Talent Hunt Epidemic

The much beleaguered world of Indian classical music, struggling to keep its head up in the face of all odds, has now been dealt a spate of cruel blows by an unlikely enemy – the hugely successful, steadily burgeoning string of talent hunts on virtually...

Take a look at this

Hi friends, Kiran sent this picture of the group which I am sure all of you will like, and I think you might want copies too. Kiran has very kindly said she would send a high-res version of this picture to those of you who...

Text for presentation

Hello friends, We have sent back the text you emailed us for the presentation tomorrow at Anu Rajan’s email ID. We have made some corrections and changes so please go through them to see if you agree


Dear friends, Many thanks for the lovely dinner you organized for us this evening. Aneesh and I have really enjoyed being with you for these 4 days and we hope you will stay in touch with us even after the presentation on the 18th is...

Some sites/links that you might like to visit

Here are some links to sites that you might like to visit. We found them extremely useful and informative. www.beatofindia.com (for folk music) www.parrikar.org (interesting information on Hindustani classical music) http://courses.nus.edu.sg/course/ellpatke/Miscellany/music.htm (interesting archival music)

Song text for Chaiti

चैती (भोजपुरी) कौन मास फुलेला गुलबवा हो रामा, के कौना रे मासे । बेला फूले चमेली फूले, अवरु फुलेला कचनरवा हो रामा । गेंदवा जे फूले रामा माघ रे फगुनवा, चैत मास फुलेला गुलबवा हो रामा । अमवा की डाली पे लागल मोजरिया, कुहू कुहू...


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